What is Filler Dissolver?
Hyalase dissolves hyaluronic acid dermal fillers placed incorrectly or excessively. It is also used in emergencies to reverse dermal filler that has been inadvertently injected into an artery. The action of hyaluronidase is very quick and starts to work immediately on the dermal fillers. This treatment is best to treat filler lumps, migration, unevenness or if a vascular occlusion occurs.
What does the treatment involve?
This treatment is performed in chair and takes 30-45min. The patient will be assessed through history and examination and the treatment will be discussed. The risks side effects will be discussed. A test injection of Hyalase may be used on a patch of skin on the forearm if the practitioner is concerned about allergy. The skin will be cleaned, numbing agent applied and hyalase injected into the area.
How many treatments will I need?
Generally, 1 treatment will erase the exisiting filler in that area.
What does the treatment cost?
from $350
Who can have this treatment?
Anyone above the age of 18 looking to reverse the signs of aging. This treatment is not suitable to have while pregnant or nursing. Patients may experience bruising, swelling, redness or tenderness at the point of injection.
Pre and Post Care Information
After filler dissolver is used it is best not to unnecessarily touch or massage the treated area for a few days, avoid make-up for 24 hours as well as avoiding exercise and saunas for 24 hours.