That Face Place


Fat dissolving injections are made from Deoxycholic Acid Solutions. This acid is naturally occuring, produced within the human body by the liver. By using this acid at a higher concentration it can be injected into specific areas and used to target and destroy fat cells.


What does the treatment involve?
Each patient is assessed by our nurse to help determine if the treatment is appropriate for them. Once approved, the treatment area is iced and a local anaesthetic injected. The fat dissolving enzyme is then injected into the required area. Noticeable swelling will occur immediately after treatment and last 2-4 days following the procedure, this is a positive indicator of the treatments progression. It is important that patients refrain from using any medication that decreases the swelling during this time. In addition to swelling, patients may also experience some mild pain and bruising which can last for several weeks. A Panadol may be taken to help curb any discomfort. Patients are advised to take a few days off work to recover from their treatment.

How many treatments will I need?
In order to provide effective double chin reduction, 2 or more treatments are required spaced 6 weeks apart. In general clients will require 2 vials per session. Your Registered Nurse will assess your progress after your initial two treatments to determine whether you will require additional treatments. Whilst individual results apply generally most patients only require 2-3 sessions, however up to 6 treatments may be administered spaced 6 weeks apart.

How long will the results last?
Fat dissolving injections permanently remove double chin fat. However it is recommended to have a review treatment every 4 years.

What does the treatment cost?
from $1320

Who can have this treatment?
Fat dissolving can be performed safely and effectively on the majority of patients. Fat dissolving is not recommended during pregnancy or while nursing.

Pre and Post Care Information
Avoid anti-inflammatory/blood thinning medications if possible for a period of 2 weeks before treatment. Medications and supplements such as aspirin, vitamin E, green tea, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, St. John’s Wort, Omega 3/Fish Oil supplements, Ibuprofen and NSAIDS have a blood thinning effect and can increase the risk of bruising and swelling after injections. Avoid strenuous exercise and excessive alcohol use in the 24 hours after treatment. You should avoid taking anti inflammatory medicines for the days following a fat dissolving procedure as they may block the effects.